Celtic Related Travel

Travel to Ireland

Contains large, constantly growing database, of regions of Ireland, detailed to single attractions,  but also interesting information, where to go, what to do, history and people of Ireland, useful tips, and even traditional Irish recipes

Scotland and Ireland with Men Of Worth

 Greetings from Men of Worth... James Keigher and Donnie Macdonald


2020-2021 with Men of Worth in Ireland and in Scotland  


Men of Worth Tours feature  - 

Evenings of musical entertainment!

Day-trips to interesting locations!

A well paced schedule, great camaraderie, good food, and good times!

A Full Itinerary of the Tours is at www.menofworth.com (click Escorted Vacation Tours) The tours usually sell out a year in advance. Contact Donnie:minchmusic@comcast.net  


Webmaster: Chuck Jamison · oakpiper(at)gmail.com