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Update 2/26/2025
Celtic/Americana Music Groups' Websites
See pipers after these Music Groups
Folk Rock/Punk
This category features bands that get audiences out on the dance floor. They cover groups like Flogging Molly, The Pogues, and The Tossers in high energy crowd-pleasing performances.
Whiskey and Stitches
High musicianship and stage appeal makes this band a good choice for audiences who want hard-driving Irish folks songs with an edge. Instruments: mandolin, tin whistle, guitar, bass, and drums.Nominated for “Best Punk Band” Sammy Award.http://www.reverbnation.com/whiskeyandstitches
One Eyed Reilly
This band consists of classically trained musicians who left the world of stuffy, high brow culture to create their own style of Celtic revelry. Instruments: fiddle, accordian, drums, percussion, bass, mandolin. www.1eyedreilly.com
Piper's Folly Musician friends with a love for Irish music and beer formed an Irish Band. Come enjoy traditional instruments playing modern and traditional Irish hits.
This category features bands that play lively jigs and reels and beautiful ballads on traditional Celtic instruments. Ideal for traditional Irish dances, quieter settings, and events that call for a rich musical backdrop.
Anam Cara - Sacramento 916 600-7954 (Sambandha's Celtic group)
Contact Catherine Mandella at sambandhaworldmusic@gmail.com
This band puts their own distinctive stamp on traditional Irish tunes and songs. All five members are multi-instrumentalists blending fiddle, accordion, tin whistle, harp, cello, guitar, mandolin, banjo, drums and vocals into their arrangements. They can deliver hard driving reels, lilting jigs and songs both sweet and joyous, all performed with superb musicianship. Contact Dan Chan at danchan@comcast.net **** http://www.lawsonmusic.com/fr_home.cfm
Dust In My Coffee - Auburn/Sacramento (my cowboy band) Facebook Page
AmeriCeltic Duo - San Jose
Anam Cara - Sacramento 916 600-7954
Avalon Rising - San Francisco
The Blarney Band - Truckee, CA.
Culann's Hounds - San Francisco
Alasdair Fraser - Nevada CityCheryl Ann Fulton (Welsh Triple Harp) and Ensemble - San Francisco
Gairin - Carson City
Golden Bough - Modesto
Jingly Bits - Arkansas but they play all over
Keeva - Sacramento
Alice Lenaghan (email: aelenaghan@gmail.com) - Sacramento Celtic flutist and whistle player. I also teach out of my home (Sacramento) and am on the faculty at American River College where I teach flute. aelenaghan@gmail.com
Liam Irish, Shamrock Studios Entertainment - Placerville
Men of Worth - Sacramento
Mickie & Elizabeth - Mendocino Coast
Mollys Revenge - Santa Cruz
One Eyed Reilly - Sacramento
Piper's Folly - Sacramento (thedtslive@yahoo.com)
Resonance - Napa 707 534-0459 or 510 459-9395 (resonance.ej@gmail.com)
Anne Roos - Lake Tahoe
Dr. May Tuan Tucker - Sacramento (church choir/piano/organ) maytucker@mac.com
Wake the Dead - San Francisco Bay area
Whiskey and Stitches - with James Wilson - Sacramento
Wicked Tinkers - Southern California (most West Coast Scottish Games)
Corwin Zekley fiddler - Mendocino
Celtic Pipes and Drums of Hawaii - Honolulu
City of Sacramento Pipe Band - Sacramento
Bruce Cotter - San Jose
Sean Cummings - Lake Tahoe
Irish Pipers Band - San Francisco
MacIntosh Pipe Band - Marin
Abraham McCarty - Stockton - Band or solo piper, 559-475-4115, abrahammccarty@yahoo.com
Prince Charles Pipe Band - San Francisco
Ripon Police Pipe Band - Stanislaus County
Casey Young - Sacramento
Military Bands:
US Air Force Band of the Golden West
(Or contact me for more pipers: oakpiper(at)gmail.com)